Calculate the sum of array elements using tail recursion

Before going to write C program for this problem, I would like to brief description about Tail recursion.

Tail Recursion is a recursive function where recursive call is the last thing executed by the function. For example the below C program is tail recursive

/* tail recursive function */
void printNum ( int num )
if ( num < 0 )
printf ( " %d ", num );
/* The last statement call should be recursive call */
printNum ( num - 1 );

Now, I’m going to write c program to calculate the sum of the array elements using tail recursion. I hope, it would be helpful for you.

/* Sum of the array elements using tail recursion */
int sumOfArrElem (int * arr, int sizeOfArr, int sumOfArr )
if ( sizeOfArr == 0 )
return sumOfArr;
return sumOfArrElem(arr,sizeOfArr-1,sumOfArr+arr[sizeOfArr-1]);
int main ( int argc, char **argv )
int acTestArr [] = { 10, 30, 6, 9, 8, 28 };
int sum = 0; /* for sum */
int sizeOfArr; /* for size of array */
/* Calculate size of the acTestArr & assigns to sizeOfArr */
sizeOfArr = sizeof ( acTestArr ) / sizeof ( acTestArr[0] );
  /* Calculates the sum of array elements & assign to sum */
sum = sumOfArrElem ( acTestArr, sizeOfArr, sum );
printf ( "The sum of array elements is %d\n", sum );
return 0;

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