Add two integer numbers using bit-wise operators in C

We can write solution for this problem in two way i.e.

  1. Using recursive method
  2. Using loop i.e. non-recursive method.

Here is the C program to perform sum of two numbers with the help of bit-wise operator using recursive method.

/* Recursive method : Sum of two numbers using bitwise operators */
int sum ( int numFirst, int numSecond )
if ( numSecond == 0 )
return numFirst;
/* Recursive call of sum ( )*/
return sum ( numFirst ^ numSecond, ( numFirst & numSecond ) << 1 );
int main ()
int result = 0;
int numOne = 10;
int numTwo = 25;
result = sum ( numOne, numTwo );
printf ("The Sum of %d and %d is %d \n", numOne, numTwo, result);
return 0;

Here is the C program to perform sum of two numbers with the help of bit-wise operator using loop or non-recursive method.

/* Non-Recursive method : Sum of two numbers using bitwise operators */
int sum ( int numFirst, int numSecond )
while ( numSecond != 0 )
int carry = numFirst & numSecond;
numFirst = numFirst ^ numSecond;
numSecond = carry << 1;
return numFirst;
int main ()
int result = 0;
int numOne = 10;
int numTwo = 25;
result = sum ( numOne, numTwo );
printf ( "The Sum of %d and %d is %d \n", numOne, numTwo, result );
return 0;

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